Welcome to

Côr Teifi


COME AND SING!   Do you enjoy singing choral music?  Côr Teifi is a friendly community choir rehearsing every Monday in Cardigan which sings a broad range of music for SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass). 

In the choir we have singers with a broad range of experience and we are looking for singers in all sections who have an enthusiasm for making music together. Some of our choir are confident music readers, and others are not, so please don’t be put off if you are not a confident music reader. 

Why not come and join us from 7:00 to 9.00pm on Mondays at Mwldan6 (across the stream from the main Mwldan Theatre).  Just turn up and introduce yourself.  Additionally, if you would like to have a chat about what’s involved, please call me (Kate Hancock) on 07581 701382. 


Audio extracts from our concert 25th November 2023

Listen below - Gwrandewch isod!

Côr Teifi rehearses every Monday at 7:00 in Mwldan6, Aberteifi. Anyone is welcome to simply turn up and listen to get a flavour of the choir. Mae Côr Teifi yn ymarfer pob Nos Llun 7:00 yn Mwldan6, Aberteifi. Mae pobl yn croeso i ddod i weld beth ydyn ni’n gwneud…

Côr Teifi is a friendly mixed choir based in Cardigan and the lower Teifi valley. There is no audition to join and all singers are welcome. The choir generally sings from sheet music but some of our choir are not confident readers and learn the music by ear. The choir tackles a range of musical styles and puts on three or four concerts every year, sometimes with orchestra, sometimes with piano, and also a cappella. We’d love to hear from you if you’re considering joining or want to find out more or just talk to someone about the choir. Contact us by email on info@cor-teifi.org.uk or leave a message on our contact page 

Mae Cor Teifi yn gor cymysg a chyfeillgar. Mae’n seiliedig yn Aberteifi ac is Dyffryn Teifi. Nid oes angen cyfweliad i ymuno a ni. Mae croeso i bob lais. Mae’r Cor yn defnyddio sgoriau wrth ganu fel arfer. Ond os nad yw rhai aelodau yn gallu darllen cerddoriaeth maent yn canu wrth wrando yn unig. Rydym yn cyflwyno 3 neu 4 cyngerdd y blwyddyn, naill gyda cerddorfa neu piano, ac hefyd a cappella.  Mae croeso cynnes i bawb a hoffai ymaelodu yn ein cor. Os ydych eisiau dysgu mwy neu yn meddwl am ymuno a Cor Teifi.   E-bost: info@cor-teifi.org.uk